आजतक ब्यूरो

दुनिया में एक शहर ऐसा है, जो पूरे 25 साल तक समुद्र के खारे पानी में सड़ता रहा. अब वो शहर समुद्र की लहरों से उबरकर बाहर आया है तो उसका पूरा नक्शा बदल चुका है. ये शहर है अर्जेंटीना में लेकिन 25 साल बाद ही इस शहर के मिल जाने से लोगों की दिलचस्पी इस बात में भी बढ़ रही है कि क्या हजारों साल पहले समुद्र में डूबी द्वारका नगरी भी किसी दिन मिल सकती है.
यह जलवायु परिवर्तन का ही प्रभाव है कि समुद्र का जल-स्तर तेजी से बढ़ रहा है , इसी का नतीजा है कि 25 साल पहले यानी सन 1985 में अर्जेंटीना का यह शहर पूरी तरह पानी में डूब गया था लेकिन समुद्र की लहरों ने ऐसा गोता खाया कि यह शहर अब दृष्टिगोचर होने लगा है . आज तक ने बड़ी अच्छी खबर दी है . खबर में यह भी बताया गया है कि लगातार 25 साल तक पानी में डूबे रहने के कारण सारे मकान ध्वस्त हो गए है तथा पेड़ पौधे भी मृतप्राय हो गए है . ऐसा पहली बार नहीं हुआ है कि कोई शहर समुद्र में समा गया हो बल्कि ऐसी बहुत सारी घटनाएँ हो चुकी है . यदि ग्लोबल वार्मिग का क्रम यूँ ही जारी रहा तो भविष्य में ऐसे बहुत से शहर है जिनका नोमों निशान तक मिट जायेगा .
In a town all but destroyed when its salt lake overflowed over three decades ago, the desolation is surreal: from silvery-white empty houses and hotels to trees, stark and dead; and one lonely man who calls this home.
Once a lake country spa town south of Buenos Aires, Epecuen is a lagoon with a salinity level only topped by the Dead Sea. For decades, tourists visited to take its waters believing they were good for one’s health.
Everything came crashing down in 1985 when a long period of heavy rains sent the lagoon bursting over its banks, and it swept over a busy small town.
“I had a bunch of cats and dogs, and they ran away a couple days before the flood and I never saw them again,” Norma Berg, 48, said, recalling her childhood spent here, until the flood.
“I think my pets could feel that the water was coming,” Berg said, as she glanced at the rubble of the childhood home she fled.
A town of about 40 square blocks, Epecuen was submerged beneath 10m of water.
Even when the waters eventually receded, the country town, 550km south of the capital, was never rebuilt. Its welcoming little hotels seem frozen in time, rot and rust, glistening with the salt in which they were steeped.
Berg recalls that fateful date — Nov. 10, 1985 — when the flood barely left her family and the town’s 1,500 other residents enough time to grab some belongings and run.
“A lot of the locals never, ever came back; other people just died of the shock and stress of losing everything,” Berg said sadly.
However, someone did come back. One man.
“Until about four or five years after the flood, when the waters were still high, nobody came around here at all,” said Pablo Novak, 81.
“I was totally alone. All day, every day,” said Novak, now the town’s only inhabitant.
Every day, he climbs on his bicycle and rides around surveying the eerie shells of 185 hotels, restaurants and other businesses that existed before 1985.
“I am OK here. I am just alone. I read the newspaper. And I always think of the town’s golden days,” of the 1960s and 1970s, Novak says.
Back then, as many as 20,000 people would visit every year to take the waters here.
Visitors pick up on Epecuen’s spooky vibe eying abandoned beds from a former old folks home, dozens of stranded, toppled night tables from local hotels, and upended materials visitors and businessmen tried to pry out of the rubble to reuse as construction materials.
The town’s surreal silvery cast has inspired filmmakers including Roland Joffe, who in 2009 filmed the Spanish civil war-drama There Be Dragons here; and Argentina’s Pino Solana, who filmed scenes of his El viaje (The Journey) locally.

दुनिया में एक शहर ऐसा है, जो पूरे 25 साल तक समुद्र के खारे पानी में सड़ता रहा. अब वो शहर समुद्र की लहरों से उबरकर बाहर आया है तो उसका पूरा नक्शा बदल चुका है. ये शहर है अर्जेंटीना में लेकिन 25 साल बाद ही इस शहर के मिल जाने से लोगों की दिलचस्पी इस बात में भी बढ़ रही है कि क्या हजारों साल पहले समुद्र में डूबी द्वारका नगरी भी किसी दिन मिल सकती है.
यह जलवायु परिवर्तन का ही प्रभाव है कि समुद्र का जल-स्तर तेजी से बढ़ रहा है , इसी का नतीजा है कि 25 साल पहले यानी सन 1985 में अर्जेंटीना का यह शहर पूरी तरह पानी में डूब गया था लेकिन समुद्र की लहरों ने ऐसा गोता खाया कि यह शहर अब दृष्टिगोचर होने लगा है . आज तक ने बड़ी अच्छी खबर दी है . खबर में यह भी बताया गया है कि लगातार 25 साल तक पानी में डूबे रहने के कारण सारे मकान ध्वस्त हो गए है तथा पेड़ पौधे भी मृतप्राय हो गए है . ऐसा पहली बार नहीं हुआ है कि कोई शहर समुद्र में समा गया हो बल्कि ऐसी बहुत सारी घटनाएँ हो चुकी है . यदि ग्लोबल वार्मिग का क्रम यूँ ही जारी रहा तो भविष्य में ऐसे बहुत से शहर है जिनका नोमों निशान तक मिट जायेगा .
* * * *
Man returns to desolate Argentine town after flood
In a town all but destroyed when its salt lake overflowed over three decades ago, the desolation is surreal: from silvery-white empty houses and hotels to trees, stark and dead; and one lonely man who calls this home.
Once a lake country spa town south of Buenos Aires, Epecuen is a lagoon with a salinity level only topped by the Dead Sea. For decades, tourists visited to take its waters believing they were good for one’s health.
Everything came crashing down in 1985 when a long period of heavy rains sent the lagoon bursting over its banks, and it swept over a busy small town.
“I had a bunch of cats and dogs, and they ran away a couple days before the flood and I never saw them again,” Norma Berg, 48, said, recalling her childhood spent here, until the flood.
“I think my pets could feel that the water was coming,” Berg said, as she glanced at the rubble of the childhood home she fled.
A town of about 40 square blocks, Epecuen was submerged beneath 10m of water.
Even when the waters eventually receded, the country town, 550km south of the capital, was never rebuilt. Its welcoming little hotels seem frozen in time, rot and rust, glistening with the salt in which they were steeped.
Berg recalls that fateful date — Nov. 10, 1985 — when the flood barely left her family and the town’s 1,500 other residents enough time to grab some belongings and run.
“A lot of the locals never, ever came back; other people just died of the shock and stress of losing everything,” Berg said sadly.
However, someone did come back. One man.
“Until about four or five years after the flood, when the waters were still high, nobody came around here at all,” said Pablo Novak, 81.
“I was totally alone. All day, every day,” said Novak, now the town’s only inhabitant.
Every day, he climbs on his bicycle and rides around surveying the eerie shells of 185 hotels, restaurants and other businesses that existed before 1985.
“I am OK here. I am just alone. I read the newspaper. And I always think of the town’s golden days,” of the 1960s and 1970s, Novak says.
Back then, as many as 20,000 people would visit every year to take the waters here.
Visitors pick up on Epecuen’s spooky vibe eying abandoned beds from a former old folks home, dozens of stranded, toppled night tables from local hotels, and upended materials visitors and businessmen tried to pry out of the rubble to reuse as construction materials.
The town’s surreal silvery cast has inspired filmmakers including Roland Joffe, who in 2009 filmed the Spanish civil war-drama There Be Dragons here; and Argentina’s Pino Solana, who filmed scenes of his El viaje (The Journey) locally.
However, someone did come back. One man.
“Until about four or five years after the flood, when the waters were still high, nobody came around here at all,” said Pablo Novak, 81.
“I was totally alone. All day, every day,” said Novak, now the town’s only inhabitant.
Every day, he climbs on his bicycle and rides around surveying the eerie shells of 185 hotels, restaurants and other businesses that existed before 1985.
“I am OK here. I am just alone. I read the newspaper. And I always think of the town’s golden days,” of the 1960s and 1970s, Novak says.
Back then, as many as 20,000 people would visit every year to take the waters here.
Visitors pick up on Epecuen’s spooky vibe eying abandoned beds from a former old folks home, dozens of stranded, toppled night tables from local hotels, and upended materials visitors and businessmen tried to pry out of the rubble to reuse as construction materials.
The town’s surreal silvery cast has inspired filmmakers including Roland Joffe, who in 2009 filmed the Spanish civil war-drama There Be Dragons here; and Argentina’s Pino Solana, who filmed scenes of his El viaje (The Journey) locally.
रोचक खबर.
जवाब देंहटाएंद्वारकापुरी की खोज की जा चुकी है,इसे देखने के लिए गोताखोरी करनी पड़ती है।
जवाब देंहटाएंअच्छी खबर
हमारे भी डूबे शहर निकल आयें।
जवाब देंहटाएंबहुत ही रोचक खबर्।
जवाब देंहटाएं